WordPress Hosting- Hostinger Review

YES the  starting а new blоg оn WоrdРress  ?   They are a ‘WordPress’ official recommended hosting service. You’ll never have to think about your website being slow with Hostinger , even when there’s much traffic. Their skilled support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week via phone, email, or live chat. … Read more

First Site using WordPress

  You’ve read in many places on the Internet that it’s important to build your own website. Whether it be for personal or business use, people tell you to get your own website. But you don’t know how it’s done. You don’t know anything about building websites, and you don’t want to invest thousands of … Read more


Studies have shown that the most effective logos are horizontal in shape. This is because of how consumers read. The vast population of the world reads from top to bottom, left to right, there is no reason to get fancy and try to change how consumers read Not only is the shape of the logo … Read more


A good brand will help your marketing and strong marketing will help build a strong brand. It is up to you to do your homework to ensure that you make the right decisions to help your company build a strong brand. Your goal is to build a brand that is the recognized leader in a … Read more